Home For Breeeeeeak 2:37 p.m. 11.25.03

i feel. sleeeeeepy, still.

i hear. DJ Mystik - Send me an angel.

i quote. "I miss picking on you."

Soooo. Everything's fine with Emily, Nat and I. Em was acting all like she didn't give two shits about the whole thing which really pissed me off. BUT, everything's dandy now. Aaaanyways, Sunday night everyone just kinda hung out n shit. I had 2 tests on Monday so I had to study for them =. BAH I fucking hate chemistry. Well to get away from that studying and the dorms, we (Em, Nat, Terry and I) went for a drive. We went over to Minnesota City, just drove through the town. We just kept driving more north, and it snowed harder and harder so hm we turned back. AH it was just like the good ol days. So we came back, so i got back to my studying a little bit. But eh, i just kinda wanted to go to bed cause I had to 2 RIGHT in the morning. YEA, course that didn't happen. Mostly cause I was hanging out with Em for quite a while and then I came back to my room and talked to Jo for a while. Then once I finally got my ass in bed, i couldn't fall asleep =. Ah so I probably took those 2 tests off of 4 er 5 hours of sleep. how nice.

The tests were ok though.. i'm just glad they're over with. So later on monday, I talked to Deck for quite a while. I gave him shit for smoking weed :)) SORRY, i just don't like it? Ah well. Hm later that day, i met with my speech group. We kinda figured some stuff out for the speech, so i should probably take my ass over to the library sometime this week. I went back to my room and it took forever and a day to pack :">. I didn't leave til about 7 to come home. YEAAA I'm on BREAK now. I stopped by my work on my way home. Ahh it was good to see Doug once again :). I even saw Shawn, he was all "where have you beeeeen?!" Where were youuuu when everyone was talking about me leaving? you moron! so i didn't do too much last night, ah well. I'm just excited for THURSDAY... REAL food wooooooo.

Well, mah keeeeeeny won't be on for a while :(. I already miss him haw haw. Yes you heard that keeeeeny, I MISS YOUUUU!

Eh well I'm still tired, god knows WHY.. i woke up at 1:30 pm? I need some fooooood.


Then || Now