Happy Birthday, G-pa 4:28 p.m. 03.26.03

so it's my grandpa's birthday today so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HIM. He's the big 8-0 today ;). My grandparents, my parents, and me are going out to eat tonight :). I think we're going to Lion's Tap.. it's a burger place. I'm glad cause they make the BEST burgers so woooo. And speaking of birthdays, MINE is coming up :)... about 3 weeks?

Anyhow, what do I need to get off my chest..? Oh right, so the trip has been changed once again. Now we're staying with Shannon's grandma for a couple days and then going to her aunt's for a couple. Her and I are like, uh we don't care where we are as long as we're outside in the warm weather and tanning :>. wooo 5 more days. Ehh not much happened in school today, but the next two aren't going to be so swell. I have so many tests n shit on Thursday and Friday.. Oh well.

Shit I'm tired.. I need to go take a nap or somethin' before dinner.


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