Is it LOVE? 10:31 p.m. 03.27.03

Oh, what a day. Wow right now.. my mother is so very annoying. My medicine is ALL she thinks about, I swear. She thinks I'm going to forget it when I leave for Florida.. so freaking annoying. I bet ya anything she'll call me on Monday morning at the airport or some shit saying DID YOU REMEMBER YOUR MEDS?!! Lord it's so annoying.. I AM a big girl now, pisses me off. I mean jesus christ, I'm almost 18, get off my back.. I can take care of myself. Anyhow, enough about HER. God, I hope my parents leave tomorrow for their vaca. They started thinking the other day that they'd maybe leave on Saturday. I'm all, NOOOO leave ASAP. Honestly, I cannot wait til a house to myself ALL flipping weekend. Ahh that's gonna be nice :x. So yea, I hope they leave tomorrow.

So anyhow, Henry and I are becoming quite close. He says he loves me.. :">. But, Does he REALLY? jk jk baby.. Muah! I love you too :">

Bleh, I have flipping FOUR tests tomorrow. It's gonna suck, but maybe it'll be better that way cause then the day goes quite fast n shit. Woo one more school day then I get.. 11 days off? Ahh I'm SO looking forward to it.. as I've said quite a few times. well I suppose I better get to sleep..


Random Quote: "You guys are eating the rainbow.. that is NOT skittles." -Jordan, from math class. Yes yes, they were M&Ms. Hah..

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