Facets of Life 12:18 a.m. 12.28.03

Social Life
How many friends do you think you have?:quite a few :X
How many of these people consider you a friend, also?:i'd say about all of them
Who was the last friend you talked to?:keeeny
What did you talk about?:bowling
What do you usually do with your friends?:hang out, watch movies, talk
Randomly name five of your friends::keeny, nat, emily, ashley, terry
Say something nice about friend number one...:he's great :)
Now number two...:nicest person i've met
Now number three...:very funny girl
Now number four...:can be very comforting at times
Now number five...:she's pretty and doesn't think so
Say something not so nice, but honest, about friend number one...:there's nothing bad to say about keeny :(
Now number two...:either for natalie
Now number three...:Em can strike her PMS at times
Now number four...:can say the WRONG thing some of the time
Now number five...:needs a bf at ALL times in her life.. it's kind of annoying
Do you ever wish all of your friends would leave you alone?:when i'm on the phone, yes.
Are you a loner?:no way
When was the last time you had a serious fight with a friend?:hmm it's been quite a while I'd say
What was it about?:i don't remember? I just know Emily was mad at me and natalie
Did you resolve it, and if not, do you want to resolve it?:you bet.. we always do :X
Think back... when was the biggest fight you ever had with a friend?:when we stopped being friends
What was it about?:who knows
How long were you two mad at each other/not speaking/on bad terms?:well, we still are?
Did you resolve it?:nah
How important are your friends to you?:very :*
Have you ever been stabbed in the back by a friend?:who hasn't
Who do you trust the least out of your friends?:probably Ashley..
Why?:she knows how to lie very good
Who irritates you the most out of your friends?:probably ashley again
Why?:she can get on my nerves sometimes
Who have you known the longest?:Allison
Who have you known for the least amount of time?:Scott
Who has the prettiest hair?:hard question.. Emily or Natalie
Who is the sexiest? Don't lie. You must be attracted to one of them.:uhh keeny? :D
Have you ever had a crush on a friend?:yeh
Did it make things weird?:at times
Do you love your friends?:you bet :X
When is the next time you think you will see your friends?:I'll probably see one tomorrow?
Will you give them all a big hug?:I will when i see my girlies again :D
Don't you think you should?:why not?
On a scale of one to ten, rate your social life.:8
Family Life
How many people live in your house?:4
How many family members live close to your house?:most of them
Do you have any siblings?:yea, one sister
Do you get along with them?:yeah
Did you know the divorce rate is about fifty percent?:thats crazy.
Are your parents together?:yep
Do your parents have a happy marriage, if they are?:yes. they never fight
Who do you love the most in your family?:uh all the same?
Do you have any pets?:yep.. a puppy
When was the last time your fought with someone in your family?:hmm on Tuesday
What was it about?:my sister being annoying
Did you resolve it?:yeah
How many fights happen in your house per day?:less than 1
Do you wish that your family life was better?:no. i'm satisfied with mine.
What would you like to change?:nothing. maybe my parents not being so protective?
Does your family have a history of physical abuse?:hell no
Did your parents ever hit each other?:no
Did they ever hit you?:hell no
Do you love them?:yep
Do you hate them?:no
How is your relationship with them?:pretty great
Do any of your family members have a history of drug abuse?:no, my dad just smokes quite a bit
Alcohol abuse?:just my uncle
Suicide attempts?:no
Mental illness?:no
Physical illness?:yeah..
Is cancer a problem in your family?:no
Is your family rich?:no
How many cars do you have?:I have one
Do you ever spend time with your family?:yep we did toniiiiight :))
Is it quality time?:it can be?
What do you do?:well tonight we played games :>
When was the last time you hung out with your family?:tonight
Did you argue about anything?:nope.. cept that they thought i was cheating cause i kept winning =;
What did you argue about?:-
Do you have family meals?:not anymore
Do you spend holidays together?:yep
Rate your family life from one to ten.:8
School Life
What grade are you in?:freshman in college
What school do you go to?:Winona State
What's your favourite subject?:math/science
What's your least favourite?:english
Who's your favourite teacher?:uhh this year, maybe my math teacher
Why?:he actually knew my name :)
Who's your least favourite?:speech teacher
Why?:he could care two shits about us
What are your grades like?:HAH. so-so
What were they like last year?:about the same
How many detentions have you had in your entire school career?:one :))
What were they for?:i broke some kid's glasses :))))
Have you ever been sent to the office?:no
How many times?:-
What for?:-
Have you ever been suspended?:no
How many times?:-
What for?:-
For how long?:-
In what grade?:-
Have you ever been expelled?:no
How many times?:-
What for?:-
In what grade?:-
Are you on the honor roll?:i WAS
What's the lowest mark you've ever gotten?:D
What subject was it for?:chemistry
What grade was it in?:now AND in 10th grade.
What's the lowest you've ever gotten?:D.. didn't we go through this already?
What subject?:-
What grade was it in?:-
Do you get in trouble a lot?:nah.. i was "innocent"
When was the last time you got in trouble?:uhh i don't know
What did you do?:-
How many schools have you been to in your whole life?:4
Which was your favourite?:WSU
Least favourite?:high school was hell :D
How big is your school?:medium sized
How much homework do you get on average?:uh who says I DO it? just kidding. not THAT much
Do you do your homework?:yeah, cept for math :">
Is school important to you?:yeah
Rate your school life from one to ten.:5. i should study a LOT more than I do
Romantic Life
Have you ever had a boy/girlfriend?:ya
How many have you had?:uhh 7
What's your sexual orientation?:straight :*
Have you ever thought you were in love?:yep
Do you believe in love?:who doesn't
Why?:it's just a feeling you're gonna feel
When was your last relationship?:bout 2 months ago
Who was it with?:?
Who ended it?:they did :)
Why did it end?:i'm not good enough? you know
How long did it last?:not very
Are you friends with the person?:nahhht really
Are you single right now?:yep
Are you happy with your status?:at times.
Describe your current boy/girlfriend if you have one.:-
Describe your dream boy/girlfriend.:good personality, cares about me, wants to spend time with me, etc etc
Do you have high standards?:no
Are you a virgin?:teehee
Do you have any kinky fetishes?:who doesn't :>
Do you have any fetishes at all?:ya
Do you ever get hit on?:yep
Do you ever get checked out?:yep
Does it offend you?:hell no. i like it :))
Have you ever gotten drunk and fooled around with someone you didn't like?:no
Have you ever cheated on a significant other?:no
Been cheated on?:yep
Are you codependant?:no..
Do you ever hit on/check out people as they walk by you?:yeah.. i'm single ;)
Do you hate relationships as much as I do?:no
Rate your romantic life from one to ten.:6
Personal Life
Do you have any secrets?:no
Do you like yourself?:most of the time. wish i was smarter though
What's your best quality?:i have a "nice body"
Do you have any talents or gifts?:uhh i'm athletic?
Do you have any problems?:yeah
What are your problems?:i have an illness
What's your biggest problem?:the illness
Do you get on other peoples nerves?:no
How about your own nerves?:no
Are you happy?:yep
Why?:I'm content with my life right now :).. can't complain
Have you been diagnosed with any mental illnesses?:no
How about physical things?:well, i guess it could be considered physical?
What do you have?:ulcerative colitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis :X
How often do you cry?:almost never
How often do you laugh?:a LOT
How often do you wish you were someone else?:not a lot
Why?:i'm satisfied with myself
Has it occured to you that you are all you have?:uh yuh?
Don't you wish you loved yourself more?:i spose
What would you improve on yourself?:my schooling
Why?:cause i need to study more
How much time do you spend alone?:at home, not THAT much. at school, never.
Do you prefer your company to the company of others?:huh
What do you do in your free time?:watch movies, play sports, go out, talk on the phone, talk to mah keeeny
Do you treat yourself with respect?:yeah
How so/how not so?:i just.. do
Do you deserve respect?:you bet
Why?:cause i'm just a respectable person ;)
Have you ever hurt yourself intentionally?:no
Why?:cause i don't deserve it
What did you do?:-
Have you ever wished you were dead?:not seriously
Do you like your smile?:yeah
Do you like your eyes?:yeah they's purrrrdy
Are you ugly?:people tell me i'm not?
Has anyone ever called you ugly?:no
Are you beautiful?:i guess?
Are you conceited?:no
How much do you love yourself?:some-what
Rate your personal life from one to ten.:7
Overall Life
Add the other ratings from the different facets of your life together.:34
Divde this number by five.:6.8
This is the overall life rating you're left with.:ok
Is it accurate?:could be higher
What do you think it should be?:7.5-8?
Why?:i dunno.. my schooling just needs to be higher
Are you happy with your life?:yeah
Why?:i really can't complain with what i have had
What would you change?:the schooling
Are you going to change it?:i'm gonna sure as hell try :)
Get moving!

The Different Facets Of Your Life brought to you by BZOINK!

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