Grrrrrr on my grades 5:01 p.m. 12.20.03

i feel. sleepy, still.

i hear. Tom Petty - Won't back down.

i quote. "it's really good to have you back home, aim."

Well, i just thought i'd update cause I got a bit of shit going through my head right now. Most of it, being.. negative?

First off, it's my GRADES. Bleh, I'm sure gonna get the bitching on that one. I think the lecture from my mother on that.. may ruin my break. But i mean SHIT, she knows I'm not as smart as she likes to think hah. just kidding i do have the intelligence, but it was my first semester at college. and it IS supposed to be the hardest semester, at least that's what i was told. so hm, maybe she'll give me some slack on that. I don't really know what ALL my grades are going to be but some i know aren't going to be great. I thought my chem was a C, but I guess it's a D now. FUCK was I pissed. That fucking final was harder than ass :|. blehhhhhhhhh! Hmm if everyone in the class pretty much got an F, you'd think there was something wrong there? Hmm lets THINK about that one. grrrrrrrrrr I'm just really dreading when I get my grades back. Before I was hoping it'd be AFTER christmas. But i think someone said they have to be in by monday at 9 AM. so hm, i should probably get them on monday then. Ehh so I shall be dreading monday then =. But then again, maybe it's good its before xmas. Get the shit over with. Emily told me to just lie to her about my grades.. i know that's bad to do. but hey, if i could get away with it, i would. but i know she's gonna wanna SEE the shit for herself. ehhhhhhhhhh. i'm gonna wanna screaaaaaaaaaam. But FUCK.

All i can really say is that next semester will be better. And i KNOW it will be better. I won't have god damn CHEM to worry about, first of all. God i'm so happy that's over with #*#(*$#. I dunno, my class are a LOT better next semester. so i guess you could say i'm excited for that. but still, i'm just really worried about what SHE is gonna say =. I know i fucked up my grades, but hey.. it's a learning lesson. I mean shit, the first semester.. i was meeting all these people, getting used to living on my own, buying my own shit, all that shit. So give me credit for that, ya know?! But i do know now that I need to work harder and all that. It was hard since my friends were always right THERE, living with me and what not. But I have to drag my ass to the library more and study my sexy ass off. OK enough of this hardcore shit. I just needed to get that shit out.

I talked to mah keeeeeeeny quite a bit last night. Im gonna be his maid when he gets a little older and gets his own place :>. hahah won't that be awesome. YEAH we think so. And uh yeah, he's never been to the freakin ocean! so hm, i'm gonna have to take him!

But well, I'm not gonna let all that grades n shit ruin my weekend OR my break!!!!!!!!! cause i just deserve a break from shit, right? Ehh I'm happy right now, cept that i'm all worried bout that crap but yeah, I'm not gonna let it ruin my weeeeeeeek!

Well, that's enough for now. I may go out tonight with my parents and our family friends. WHO KNOWS.

LOVE ya, keeeeeeny. and thank you for tell me it's gonna be ok :X I appreciate it!


Then || Now