xMega Surveyx 9:02 p.m. 12.21.03

ALright, it hasn't been long but I don't really wanna look at that last entry anymore. YANNO? But keeeeeeeny needs to get his ASS online :X

What would you do if..
You could change your name:uh change it?
You could travel anywhere for a week:go to australia
You were kidnapped by two large black men:scream bloody murder
You asked someone how far along they were and they werent pregnant:run away
You could only live for a day:go sky diving, visit my friends one last time, say bye to my family
Your house caught fire:grab my valuable items
You went deaf:deal with it
You had a stalker:call the cops
Would you rather..
Be a rapist or a murderer:murderer
Live 10 years less or have a stub for an arm:live 10 years less i suppose
Be a liposuctionist or a mechanic:mechanic!
Die of drowning or dehydration:dehydration
Fall in love knowing you will be seperated or not fall in love at all:fall in love and be separated. what doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger :X
Be ugly or fat:ugly
Be dead of emotion or sad all the time:dead of emotion
Be deaf or mute:hmm mute?
Live on the moon or under the sea:under the sea
Be too hot all the time or too cold all the time:too hot
What's your favorite..and why?
Color?:blue.. it's uh MY color ;]
Age?:21.. you can do what ever the fuck ya want
USA State?:hm Florida i guess. I just like it there
Body part?:legs.. i'd be helpless without them
Band?:SEVENDUST.. they rock my WORLD :X
Genre?:ROCK.. again, it rocks my world
Food?:pizza.. it's delicious
Fruit Flavor?:watermelon..it's tastey
Store?:target.. it's CHEAP and you can get EVERYTHING there
Cartoon Character?:NEMOOOOOO. he rules :">
Person?:Probably Emily.. she's awesome B-)
Holiday?:christmas.. it's that "wonderful time of the year"
Season?:spring.. not too hot, not too cold
Weather?:sunny.. tanning/warm weather is good.
Weekday?:probably.. friday? It's.. a good day
Are you...
Racist:hell no
Pretty/Handsome:People say I am..
Opinionated:not really
Sexy:you bet! haha
Trendsetting:I could be?
Intelligent:at times
In love:not witha "significant other"
Finish the sentence..
Get your hands off my:chest!
I love it when you:call me...... baby. just kidding
Remember that time we:went to Kwik Trip at 2 er 3 AM, singing to all of Winona and screaming at hot guys? :)))))
Let's go:OUT
Why don't you just:go away?
I told you to stop:being an asshole
I really love your:sweetness
The end..
How long did this take you?:11 minutes
Was this like every other survey you've ever taken?:no.. it was a little different. THANKS, I was getting sick of the same old same old.
Do Sonny and Stella rock your face off?:nope

xMega Surveyx brought to you by BZOINK!

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