A new guy. 8:35 p.m. 07.16.03

i feel. happy, loved.

i hear. Smile Empty Soul- Silhouettes.

Alright, here I am again.

So I was going to go to a waterpark yesterday, with Dan. But yea, that didn't happen. And I really wasn't very surprised. He even forgot about the whole damn thing. Ehh I don't like him very much anyway. He thinks he's such a damn pimp, I'm sorry to say. I swear I think that he thinks he has the best life in the world and EVERY damn girl likes him. I'm sorry, but yea.. it's just really really annoying. And yea, ALL I wanted to do on Tuesday was go to a waterpark, nothing but. But yea, he seemed he didn't even want to. But yea, I am either working or sleeping so yea.. I wanted to be OUTSIDE. So yea, I was sorta like eh fuck it, I'm going without you. So yea, I went..well sort of. I should say, I TRIED to go =. I couldn't find the mother fucking place. haw haw. I wasn't happy, it sounded OH so fun. But no, I couldn't find the fucker. So yea, I went to this nice beach instead. It was good though :x I got a nice tan and such so :). Last night, I went out to Dav, Monica, and Logan's house cause yea.. she's altering my dress, my bridesmaid's dress. So my dress is ALL ready for Saturday.. she's still working on my sister's. I don't know HOW I'm going to be comfortable in that dress, all of Saturday. But hey, we'll try?

And today, my sister woke me up at 9 AM =. Yea, not fun considering I usually wake up at like 11. But eh, it was alright I wasn't too tired. SO then I went to work, it was quite busy over the lunch rush.. I was like dying for something to drink. But FINALLY, I got something. And yea, i went on my break a little after that. Brian AND Casey were also on break. Haw haw, I wasn't sure WHO I should of had my lunch with heh. But I sat with Casey, he's a very very nice guy :x. But about half way through my break, he had to go back to work. But then again, he kept coming over to see me, checking out how my lunch was and such :) It was nice, thanks bunches Casey :x. Brian was also working, as I just said? He blew some cone shit on me though :)). It was funny though. I also saw Linda and Britney which was nice, it seems I never work with them anymore =. I like working with them. Britney is probably one of the nicest people I've met so yea :).

After work today, I went to visit my sister. I thought I should pay her a visit since she visits me quite a bit when I'm at work. it's nice to get visits when you're at work :). So yea, I went over there and wow she works with quite a few guys :D ...I think she was the ONLY girl working at that point? haha what a lucky girl? I won't tell her I said that though :). Hm so the two guys at the register KEPT looking at me/checking me out.. whichever you'd like to use? And I guess they both asked about me after I left :D Bahahah I guess they liked what they saw? Ahh SEXY me, teehee. And then, I went to get my medicine.. not like that's anything of importance. And then I had a lovely softball game. And WOOT, we won 15-5. It was a really good game, we were all tied up at 3 til the 4th inning or so and then we got a bunch of runs. So yay, we won. Hahah and I knew April would give me some shit since I haven't been there in like a month. Her: "AMY! I thought you quit the team. Damn, you didn't. I'm just kiddin', you know I love you." Muahahah. yay :x.

OH, and also. I met a guy yesterday. We had a lot of stuff in common so I guess that's pretty exciting and such. We talked on the phone for like 40 minutes yesterday teehee. But yea, I wouldn't mind getting to know him a bunch more. Well, I wouldn't mind getting to know Brian and Casey more either :).

And I almost forgot. I guess my doctor called this morning and BLEH. I guess I have to go in and get more blood drawn. It almost sounded like my results weren't GOOD when I went in, in June. So bleh, I'm sure my mother is worried as all shit now =. But I'm thinking it was bad because I think that was when I was more tired than ass back then, but I'm much much better now. Thank goodness.

Miss you bunches, Keeeeeeeny.

Ok I suppose I'll stop typing about my life now. Perhaps I'll call Michael? I'm not sure yet.


3 more days until the wedding!

SIGN the GUESTBOOK, people :x!

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