You're AWESOME, Sergio! 3:31 p.m. 01.06.04

i feel. sleepy, but content.

i hear. the radio, 93x.

i quote. "AMYY, i got a bone to pick with you."..."which one?" hahah

Alright I guess I'll update since i got off work early today.. and cause i need to.

So on Saturday, I slept in as usual, hang around for a bit and went to see Mona Lisa Smile with my mom and sister. It was pretty good, we stopped there for dinner too ( the mall ). I also got a new shirt cause i had some gift certificate that expired that day er the next day. So that day was pretty fun and such. Twas the last day i got to spend with my sister before she left again for school.

And sunday, I really didn't do shit :">. my sister left when I was still sleeping, she did wake me up however. But when she said BYE, I was like half-awake. ohhhhh well though. So I got outa bed at almost 2 heh. Boy am I gonna miss that sleeping in so much during the day. So I came on here for a bit, had dinner, and watched a movie. I didn't even get dressed heh. Buuuut it was Daron's birthday on Sunday. so happyyyyy birthdayyy to him. He's gonna expect a present cause he's DUMB like that. (Hm Daron is a friend of mine that i haven't known THAT long, but he's cool B-).) He really wanted me to come over that day, but i didn't really feel like going anywhere.

Monday, I slept in, took a shower, hung out for a bit, and went to work. Hahah I thought i worked at 4, but i wasn't supposed to be there til 5. Ah well.. more money for meee. And I worked til close when the schedule had me til 9. So I worked 2 and a half hours more than the schedule had said. moooore moneyyyyyyy is good. but I got to work with Sergio :D man that guy is awesome. He wanted me to work back in the kitchen with him. I'm like, uhh i don't know half of this stuff. HIm: i'll showwww you. And he didn't believe me that I am 18 :)) so i told him i'd show him my driver's license. TOLD HIM RIGHT. Erick didn't believe I was 18 either heh beastards! Serg was disappointed i didn't work today, the night shift.. I worked during the day. Can't ALWAYS work together my dear ;).

So I worked today at 11 am. Today kinda sucked though. Well, I didn't go to sleep last night til like 3 am cause I was on the phone with Daron. hahah we were both watching Elimidate and making fun of the chicks on there :)). One of em had huge ass arms and tiny ass titties :)) it was funny. And hm then he watched jerry springer as i flipped channels. I don't like that show? So yah we probably would have kept talking but my cell went dead, so i had to get off. Good thing though, cause I was tired this morning. cause lately i've been getting 10-11 hours of sleep at night heh :). So I had to work by the assh0le warren for some time today. god he's such a bastard. I was on register and I SWEAR this guy said 4 piece BUFFALO, but he came back and said he just wanted 4 piece CHICKEN. whatever fucker, you SAID it wrong. SO Warren came on over to me saying, "you remember this order? well he wanted the chicken, but the BUFFALO." Me: I'm quite sure he said chicken. Him: well, you need to ASK to be sure.
WHy is god's name would i ask if i KNEW it was buffalo. mother fucker, fuck off ()*$#*$)#. man, if we didn't have warren there.. it'd be the BEST workplace in the nation.

sooo, I may go over to Daron's tonight. Depends what time he gets home tonight. Sounds like he'll be home late but oh well, i'll just WAIT that beastard ;). And tomorrow, my sissy wants me to come stay with her til thursday afternoon. BOY am I loved :x. I think we're gonna go to a movie and go BOWLING :D.

But anyways, I'm sleepy so maybe i'll go shower and watch a movie or something. adiooooos.


Then || Now