And the Semester begins 6:55 p.m. 01.14.04

i feel. ehh.

i hear. Filter - Where do we go from here. <3

i quote. "Could everyone agree that.. No one should be left alone."

Alright I spose i better update again. I probably won't write much in this entry but oh freakin welllll.

Classes are going okay, so far. I know they just started but yeah.. pretty much all my professors seem cool. Cept for english, huh natalie. hahah we have that class together and yeah.. we think she talks S L O W and kinda weird. I don't know. And of course, we both HATE that subject. The first paper in there is a memoir ( about yourself ) and F I V E freaking pages. Am I going to write 5 pages on my life? Spose I could use this dealy eh ;)? Ehh in math, I have to actually turn my assignments in. Thats gonna suck ASS. Last semester, we didn't have that. I rarely EVER did my math assignments.. just enough probs til I understood it. Ehh what a bitch THATS gonna be. BUT, at least he's gonna give us like a whole week to complete the assignments. Cept I'm quite the procrastinator. WE CAN DO IT haw haw. Hmm had my first physics lab today. It wasn't the greatest, lemme tell ya. Just installed some program on our laptops and started this easy lab. Cept parts of the program are confusing. oh well though.. shouldn't be too bad.

So some other shit has been happening, besides school n classes. Hmm as I said a while ago, this guy Scott likes me. I came back from break n he came over that night, and he tells natalie that i'm "hot." yay for that? ehh he's like in love with me =. He even sent me a freaking e-card the other day cause he can't CALL or SAY his feelings or what not. ehh he wants this whole big relationship with me, but i really don't like him like that. So I emailed him back and told him that, nicely i should add. And now he's ignoring me n shit :). Ahh how retarded. He's even ignoring Ashley and she didn't do shit. It's quite high-school-ish. No offense to all you high schoolers :) but he's like this big drama queen and it's just G A Y. And what else. I could talk about Ben. But things are the greatest with him right now. So I shall just skip that part :) cause that's what's making me all ehh today. And also, the other day.. JO freaking called me. the caller id on my cell didn't come up so i had NO idea who the hell it was. It was ODD to hear from him. But ahh, can't complain if he misses me eh? Just joking.

Ehh I'm getting cold and should look at something I need to read tonight so Later.


Then || Now