Proudness. 5:49 p.m. 03.24.03

Ahh yes, proudness. There are various reasons of why I'm proud of myself today.. I'm almost never proud of myself. So I re-did my speech in spanish class, and I did so well.. it made me so happy and proud. And then, we get this test back that we took last Wednesday and I, myself, got an A. Everyone else did so shitty heh. So yes, I was quite proud of myself because of that.. everyone has to take the test again. I mean honestly, it was NOT that hard. It wasn't really even a test, it was a QUIZ for god sake's. Some chick in front of me got like 32% versus my 92%.. good lord. How stupid some people are.. or maybe I'm just THAT damn smart? Hah. Also, I have an F in math (it IS a college class, therefore, it's MADE to be hard). So yea I didn't say earlier, but my parents went to conferences last Thursday and so my mother doesn't understand why I have an F in there. I'm like, "Uh.. do you know about t-tests, standard deviations, test-statistics.." Yea I didn't think so. It is true that I need to try harder in that class, but I mean it's the end of my senior year so it's just GIVEN that I don't work that hard? Like my math teacher says, "High School does not tell how you'll end up." I totally agree with that.. HS doesn't matter all that much. College is the thing that really truly matters, in my opinion. But my mom seems to think that since I do shitty now, I'll ALWAYS do shitty in the academic department. But NO, if I actually TRIED.. I could do great. But I don't frankly care about high school that much, cause.. MOST of my teachers are fucking stupid anyway. Honestly, if I tell them one little thing.. they WILL forget about it. So why even say anything? Anyways, back to my PROUDNESS..we have this quiz tomorrow in math. Which we had these practice problems today, and I did well on them. My teacher even came over and said, "Yes, Amy, that's good.. you're doing good." Heh, heh. That may sound retarded BUT it made me proud so SHUT UP :">.

So yes, I changed the layout. I'm just not sure on how to change the font size on the "Archives" page.. It's WAY to big, but the dates are just fine. So I guess I'll just try different shit and see if that'll work. Other than that, I like this layout.. it's nice-looking and such.

So I was talking to Mike the other day, and he was all "I'm sad." Here's our conversation..

Me: why ya sad?

Him: just sick of everyone lying to me

Him: u know

Me: oh ok

Him: yeah shitty deal

Me: well, i'm sorry

Him: its ok

Him: not ur fault

Me: k

Him: just wish i would have done things driferent then i did

Me: with what?

Him: everything

Him: with us

Me: Oh

Him: : wish i wouldnt have done what i did and that i didnt call it over with u

Me: heh ok

Me: well you couldn't help it if you liked her kissing you

Him: at the time i ddi but now i hate it

me: oh

me: why

Yes and then he never did answer back. But heh, I suppose he realizes now that he misses me.. W00t.

So my parents leave on Friday for Florida. So yea.. this other guy Matt might come over? Who knows. But Ahh, a weekend home alone :x.. what could be more nice than that?

Bleh, mother's home and quite crabby..


Then || Now