Fabulous Day.. 10:42 p.m. 03.29.03

Yes, a Fabulous day it has been. I woke up feeling quite low.. it was hell, I could not pick myself up it seemed like. I even tried talking to Matthew about it, or even at all. But he never responded =. But then I spoke with my sister, and that made me feel a little better. Then later, Allison had called me and blah blah.. her and Shannon came over. So we went shopping and wow, I had SUCH a great time. I love nights like these, where I laugh oh so much. I just completely love it. God Shannon, you are so fucking funny.. I love you guys.

-passing "The Children's Place,"- "Here Amy, here's your store." LOL, they think I'm "so damn skinny".. they give me so much shit for it :)). There was such various, various times where I had "lmfao" Ahh it was GREAT! And that's what my whole week is going to be like.. all laughs and sun :x

So I got the mail today and got something from Seaberg.. I figured it was something about the travel team. But no, it was from the regular softball team. Woot, it made me quite happy cause now I KNOW softball season is here. AND I'm not on a shitty team like last year.. maybe these chicks will know how to play, that makes me happy too. And yaaaay, I'm gonna get my softball friends back :x. We seem to always loose touch during the winter.. but we'll hook it up again :). So yes, this is the start to a new happiness..

Getting back to my movie, Maid in Manhattan..


Then || Now