HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEE! 11:54 p.m. 04.17.03

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEEEEEE! Heh, yes I am finally 18. Eh it was an ok birthday. You kind of realize how much people care about when you find out if they remember or forget your birthday. Hah just kidding Allison.. I still love you even though you thought it was the 16th :">. Well everything was fabulous today until after dinner.. I accidentally spilled this glass. But it wasn't my damn fault, cause my mom just gave me this damn bag to hold. She was all "HOLD THIS.." and the bag fucking fell. So my sister was all "WAY to go, Amy." Bleh she can be such a bitch sometimes =. She always gives me this, YOU MESS UP EVERYTHING attitude.. it's annoying as fuck. Anyways, enough about HER. So I'm tired as hell so I'm probably a bit crabby and shit but which ever. Amber had no right in saying what she did, nor does she ever.

Anyhow, so it looks like I'm gonna go look for a prom dress tomorrow. Let's just hope I'll actually find one, being I waited so damn long. But hey, I can look damn good in anything? haw haw, just kidding.

"I love you more than you could ever know Amy." Ahh yes, that is what Henry said. That was nice to hear, especially after that little thing after dinner. But yea, he's a very nice guy.. ey luff yew tew Henwy. hahah sorry, but yea I love ya Hen.

So Derek text'd me earlier and said he got me something. God knows WHAT it is.. but I may think it might be the new LP cd. Which I could probably accept since I KEEP listening to them to the songs that I downloaded at least. And I'm considering that an option because when we were in the car the other day, I think he asked me if I had it. anywhore, who knows what it is. So I might go gambling with him on Saturday.. fun shit fun shit heh. Ahh well I don't really wanna type anymore and I'm tired as hell...


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