Sleeeeeeepy Amy. 9:55 p.m. 04.29.03

Yea, I could NOT get out of bed this morning.. it wasn't too good. But yES, I was on time thank you. Er actually, no I wasn't.. but like I EVER am on time to my first class heh. So I kept yawning ALL day.

Anyways, I was talking to Allison and Shannon today about Prom. I think we may have finally figured out whose in the group and where we're going for dinner. So we decided that it'll be 10 of us.. maybe 12 if Jenna decides to come with us. But God, do I hope she goes with her other friend. Don't get me wrong though, I DO like Jenna and I'm not a bitch like that. But she asked this kid Alex and holy fucking bone, I HATE THAT KID )#($)#$*@#)(#*@)(#$*(#. Honestly, that kid is SO stupid. He complains about uh everything? He sits right next to me in Sociology and he'll be all "Shut uuuuuuup everyonnnnnnnnne" like all retarded like that. I cannot stand it :)! One time I yelled, "youuuu shut your mouth." Cause god, helooooo you're telling others to shut up but you're being stupid yourself. HOW RETARDED ARE YOU. Let me tell you, that class is HELL. Pure Hell :x. That kid, for one. Secondly, there's Jim. He thinks he knows EVERYTHING on the planet and HAS to have an opinion about EVERYTHING. And GOD, that kid is fucking arrogant. I've never met a more selfish person than him. Thirdly, there's Casey. She will ALWAYS bring up her damn boyfriend. Whom of which, goes to a DIFFERENT school. so hm, no one knows him so shut up about him you stupid whore :x. I think it was yesterday and she says, "My boyfriend sells pot, but I don't do it myself.." Hellooooo we do not care about your damn boyfriend )#($)(*#$*(. Jesus christ, how fucking dumb are these people. Forthly, there's Sydney. She also always has to have an opinion about every thing. And she always brings up stories about herself when she was little. Again, we don't fucking care. Ok enough of those damn people. It's ME time, teehee.

So I got home today and the caller ID said that HE had called. Ohhh did that make me a little mad. I SO wanted to talk to him. You silly moron, I told you WHEN to call me. Heh but I still called him.. but no answer. Oh well cause I had to head off to work anyway. Blah work was quite hell. I got ALL of my tables RIGHT away and they do NOT have patience, let me tell you. It's rediculous. But honestly, it's like hellooo: Do you NOT see that I have OTHER people to wait on? Hm and why do they need their damn food so quickly I ask. They're just going back up to their room and sit on their ass. so just WAIT you stupid old folks.

Ahhh I need to go to sleep... :)


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