Ha-Ha-Ha-Happyyy 11:27 a.m. 05.07.03

Heh heh.

So I was in school for what? Less than 2 hours? Yep, that was sure pointFUL. But oh well, Spanish and Bio are just oh SO fun :x.

Hahah I'm watching MTV and this chick is like pregnant and she's crying like a fucking baby about it. I swear to god these damn people. Then why'd you have SEX with the guy, you stupid shit. Honestly, these damn people. THINK before you ACT, it may help you out in life :).

So I talked to Henry for a while on the phone last night. Cept for the fact that I had to PEE almost the whole time :)). I'm Sorry Henry :x. I should have just WENT.. but I'm stupid like that? :">. you love me anyway? :D!

Wow I was so happy last night AND today :). Let me tell you, it's MUCH easier to wake up when you're happy versus when you feel like shit ;). I saw Shannon when I got to school. I was all "SSSSSSSHHHHHHHHANNNNNNNNONNNNNNN." It was so loud too :)). Wow Shannon and I have too much fun, sometimes :">. She's got a rugby game later on today, so perhaps I'll stop by since she ASKED me to. Heh I love it when I'm wanted, Don't YOU?

Hmm so I'm waiting for my pizza and I shall head off to my lovely test. Whew am I hungryyy. Yea I have nothing else to say/talk about so..


Then || Now