Prom Agenda. 9:30 p.m. 05.15.03

So tomorrow's the BIG day.. PROM/SENIOR SKIP DAY. So we start out with the senior class picture woohoo fun shit. Then we all get on a bus and go to the "Senior Breakfast." I think I shall be eating BEFORE I leave for the day cause well Amber said the food is shitty. Well, she didn't use those exact words but you get the point. So Allison, Cindy, and Shannon drop me off at my house so I can get my car.. so I'll follow them to Cindy's house. From there, we'll get all prettied-up and such. I shall go from there to Nick's house and have his mom take some pictures of us. Then go back to MY house and have MY mother take pictures of us and have her see how "beautiful" I shall look. :)) jk.. I'm just hoping for the half-decent? Muahahah. So then we shall go meet up with Allison, Shannon, Dan, Felix, Cindy, [her bf, Jon? perhaps], Chris, and [his gf]. So we'll go from there, where ever that may be, go downtown and take pictures. I don't even know WHO is taking the pictures :"> but I shall find out tomorrow. So then we go eat dinner at Buca. I've never ate there before but it's Allison's like FAVORITE so it shall be good :). Then we shall go to the dance for a little? I don't know.. I bet we won't be there for very long but, who knows. So we'll go to Allison's house afterwards. And I guess we're gonna chill in her hot tub :>! So that shall be pretty damn sweet. She's what I like to call "RICH" hahah Shannon and I give her so much shit for it too :)). I mean the TV like scrolls who's calling when the phone rings. Usually it's just on the caller id but no it's on the TV as well. ANYWAYS, so I guess we're all gonna chill there for the night. so that shall be a pretty sweet night.

Well that's just how the night is SUPPOSED to go.. I'm sure some things will change or get moved and such. But it shall be a GREAT night!


Then || Now