Warning! 10:08 p.m. 05.13.03

So I had to go into school early this morning. So I'm just going on my way and I see this cop heading towards me.. so I look down at my spedometer and it says I was going 40. I knew I was fucked. So I saw in my rearview that he turned around, which assured me that I was fucked. Holy shit was I ever shaking :)). Wow, I NEVER get pulled over so wow. So you may be wondering WHAT was the speed limit? hmm yes it was 30.. so do the math, I was going TEN over. Yes I'm bad or something? But muaHAHAHAH I only got a WARNING. Phew was I ever lucky.

So after school, Allison and I are getting in her car.. going home. And she notices there's a slip in the windshield wipers. SO she gets it and its a flipping TICKET. wow she was PISSED, I do mean PISSED. I was like holy FUCK, is it COP DAY or something? So her tabs on her license plate were expired so it was like 169 dollar ticket.. which she doesn't totally have right now since she likes to spend and with all this stuff we've got to pay for i.e. prom junk. So I told her I'd talk to my mom about it, maybe she could do something.. like at least lower the price. My mother works for the county and more specific, the courts junk. So I talked to her and she said she'd get rid of it, for Allison. And wow, she was so relieved. Heh it PAYS to have connections.

So I think I bought all the shit I need for Prom. I went with my mom tonight and got a purse and a garter. Hahah Nick kept bugging me about getting a garter. Him: Did you get a garter YET? I did NOT understand why he wanted me to get one so bad. But I guess it's supposed to be like the girl getting the guy's tie. SO he should be proud that I finally got one.

Well, I'm quite tired so later on.


"I'm excited about Friday. I can't wait to see how beautiful you'll look in your dress but I can't wait til the hottub!" -Nick.

Hahahahahahahahah Did he just say "beautiful"? :)).

Then || Now