Last visit for a while 10:49 p.m. 09.14.03

i feel. content.

i hear. jimmy buffet.

i quote. ."

Hm what a weekend. Jo got here around 3, we didn't do too much for a bit. We just sorta talked for a while and he brings up that I've had this "attitude" all week. So he wanted to know about that. But I don't know what the fuck he's talking about =. I did get pissed off a little that one day and said "fuck it" but I was just pissed off. I don't have no "attitude"..? Ehh I dunno. He even said today, "I'm sorry that I've been crabby lately, it's just my arm has been killing me." So yea, I'm like you're crabby I haven't been bitchy? I dunno it's been weird. It's like things have changed a little and I kinda hate it. But it is making me realize that we do need to give each other some space perhaps? I dunno, it's sorta complicated. All I do know is that I LOVE that guy to death. Next friday is our so-called "one-month anniversary." We aren't even going to spend it with each other, but at least I do see that we both have lives to live, ya know? He did say he's going to send me something for it though if those BASTARDS give him a fucking paycheck. I really hope he gets that tomorrow or he'll get all mad again about that. but anyways, I probably won't see him for about 3 weeks? I could barely make it one fucking week.. how the fuck are we gonna make it THREE? :)) who knows but I shall be STRONG about it. So on to what we did this weekend, friday night I took him out to eat. We ate at Green Mill, he's never ate there so I thought it might be a good place. OH we did go for a nice walk before that :). And later on, we rented "The Ring." Hm that movie was sorta odd, but ok. Jo sorta fell asleep during the last part of the movie. Hm but after I went to sleep, he couldn't sleep for shit. He kept complaining how shitty my bed is. I can't help it, baby =. He kept sorta yelling, "FUCK" cause of the bed. I felt really bad cause it was hurting his neck, back and shoulder. So hm i was gonna buy another mattress pad so he could sleep much better the second night. But i didn't cause he said not to. I have two, but he likes the one that's all smushy n shit. I guess my bed isn't good enough for my boyfriend :O. But yea, the second night seemed a little better.

So yea, on Saturday we went to Brunch together and ate with my friend Alyssa. And later, we went up to the Bluffs which was really pretty. We could see my whole town so that was kinda interesting. We went for a little drive after that cause yea, we didn't know what else to do. There really isn't much to do in this town which sucks ASS. I feel bad to have him come here and have nothing for us to do. Yea, we're city people. So I dunno, maybe next time we see each other.. I'll go back up to the cities. It would actually be my turn to be the driver anyway so that shall work. We didn't do too much on Saturday cause it was sorta gloomy out. Oh right, we did go play pool for a while. Which wasn't so great, we both suck ASS at that game. Well, he wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for his arm. But, things happen. And yea, I just suck at pool. So we had McDonald's for dinner that night. Yep, I thought I'd be cheap that night :). I do need to save some of my money though because of the fucking phone bill I will have. I'm thinking I will just send my mom a check this week for about 200 bucks or something cause I'd rather have the letter/check do the work rather than me saying something over the phone or in person, and me getting yelled at. Ah how lovely will that be. However, I am still gonna get yelled at when I go home on the 29th. But eh, we shall get it over with =. I've been kind of rambling on and on but HEY, like it matters.. right? :) Well, Jo left today at like noon. One of his buddies got put into the hospital last night so he was gonna go visit him. And I guess he was gonna go to the recording studio and such. GOD I cannot wait til I hear that song he wrote of me :). Ah anyways, before this gets any longer.. I'm gonna go over and see Terry and such.


Then || Now