L O N G ass shit 4:15 a.m. 12.13.03

Phew this was longggg and i do realize it is 4:15 am, but us girls aren't tired yet :">. But here we go

What is your full name::Amy M---- T---- teeeeeheeeeeeee guess my name?
Spell your first name backwards::Yma
Date of birth::4/17/85
Male or female::female
Astrological sign::aries
Nicknames::aim, aimz, aimerz
Height::5'3 YES keeny I'm short :">
Weight::110 pounds
Hair color::brown
Eye color::blue
Where were you born::Minneapolis
Where do you reside now::Winona
Screen names::a1merzzzzz, amyyypooo
E-mail addy::[email protected]
What does your screen name stand for::my name, obviously
What is your greatestjournal name::aim-e
What does your greatestjournal name stand for::my name
Pets::fishieeeee named Waldo, and a dog named Lexie
Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake::18
Shoe size::7
Righty or lefty::lefty!
Wearing::black pants, t shirt, long sleeved shirt
Hearing::me n nat's song :)) haha woo
Feeling::happy, cared for :X
Guys/Girls/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff
Have you ever been in love::yep
How many people have you said:a couple
How many people have you been in REAL love with::as many people as I've said it to
How many people have you kissed::7 or so?
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex::no
How many people have you dated::6
What do you look for in a guy/girl::good personality, someone that actually cares, listens, fun to be with, funny, etc etc
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex::the clothes they wear/hair
What type of guy/girl do you usually go for::the assholes ;]
Do you have a crush right now::yep
If so who is it::shh
Do you believe in love at first sight::not really
Do you remember your first love::you bet
Who is the first person you kissed::Mitch
Do you believe in fate::yeah i suppose so
Do you believe in soul mates::yeah..
If so do you believe you'll ever find yours::with THIS luck, i doubt it ;]
Family Stuff
How many siblings do you have::one
What are your siblings names::Amber :X
What are your parents names::Jeanne and Dale
How many siblings does your mother have::2
How many siblings does your father have::2
Where are your parents from::same as me
Is your family close::yep
Does your family get together for holidays::yep
Do you have a drunk uncle::yeah
Any medical problems run through your family::not really
Does someone in your family wear a toupee::no, thank goodness
Do you have any nieces or nephews::nope
Are your parents divorced::no
Do you have step parents::no
Has your family ever disowned another member of your family::no
Did some of your family come to America from another country::nope
Music Stuff
What song do you swear was written about you or your life::I used to think it was "How can I live" by Ill Nino
What's the most embarrassing cd you own::Hanson :))
What's the best cd you own::SEVENDUST <3
What song do you absolutely hate::songs by Unkle Kracker =
Do you sing in the shower::yep
What song reminds you of that special someone::i don't have a special someone?
Okay, I Name An Artist And You Give A Lyric From Any One Of Their Songs!
Pink::Just like a Pill
Aerosmith::i don't wanna miss a thing
Madonna::Like a prayer
Korn::freak on a leash
Backstreet Boys::i'll never break your heart
The Beatles::let it be
Sublime::what i got
J.Lo::from the block
Limp Bizkit::nookie
Stacie Orrico::-
Britany Spears::oops i did it again
Good Charlotte::lifestyles of the rich and famous
Christina Aguilera::THIS
Kelly Clarkson::GETTING
Kelly Osbourne::OLD
Mandy Moore::RIGHT
Alicia Keys::TEE
Song::Skeleton Song/Seasons - Sevendust
School subject::math
Band/singer/artist::SEVENDUST <3
Animal::monkey, puppy
Outfit::jeans and that blue shirt?
Radio station::93 X baby :x
Movie::Office Space/Love & Basketball
Pair of shoes::my tenni's
Cartoon::finding nemo
Actor::adam sandler
Actress::not sure
Potato chip::regular
Drink::skye blue ;]
Soda::root beer
Perfume/cologne::that shit natalie has?
Pizza topping::cheese
Jello flavor::red?
Lunch meat::ham
Card Game::S-p-i-t
Video game::mario kart
Website::who knows
Book::i don't remember the name
Computer game::ehh don't play too many?
Cereal::corn pops GOTTA HAVE MY POPS
Comedian::whatsssssss his name
Dessert::ice cream :X
Disney character::Crush/Nemo
Clothing store::hm too many
Past time::my many sisterly bonds haw haw haw
Childhood toy::legos
Carnival game/ride::ehh
Candy bar::kit kat
Magazine::don't read too many
Salad dressing::HATE salad dressing.. smells like ASS
Thing to do on the weekend::go out with my buddies
Hot drink::hot chocolate
Sport to watch::baseball
Person to talk to online::keeeeeeeny, that one guy AHEM
Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits
What color are your sheets::striped white, green, blue
What color are your bedroom walls::white
Do you have posters on your wall::yep
If so of what::NEMOOOOOOO
Do you have a tv in your bedroom::ya
How many pillows are on your bed::two
What do you normally sleep in::pajamas
Describe your favorite pair of pajamas::pants with monkees on them :>
What size bed do you have::twin
Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed::bunkbed
Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom::well i share it with my lovely roomie
Describe the last nightmare you had::it's been a while
Do you sleep with stuffed animals::no
How many people can comfortably sleep comfortably in your bed::one, two if they're smaller
How many people can comfortably sleep comfortably in your bed::^
Any unusual sleeping positions::i move a lot...
Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling::no, my pal :X
Do you snore::no
How about drool::no
Do you have an alarm clock in your room::i DO have classes to get up for
What color is the carpet in your room::green
What's under your bed::a bunch of shit
This or that
Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west::east
Make love/have sex::SEX babyyyyy
Swiss cheese/american cheese::either
Real World/Road Rules::road rules
Backstreet Boys/*Nsync::NEITHER
McDonalds/Taco Bell::mcD's
Read/watch tv::watch tv
Colored pictures/black and white photos::colored
Mexican food/chinese food::neither.. yes i'm picky
Scary movies/comedies::comedies
Bikinis/one piece bathing suits::bikini
Sandals/tennis shoes::either
ribbons/bows::hmm ribbons
Colored christmas lights/regular white christmas lights::colored
Austin Powers/James Bond::james bond
Passionate kiss/peck::passionaaaate
WWE wrestling/ real wrestling::WWE baby
Back rub/foot massage::back rub
Picture frames/photo albums::picture frame
What Is Your Opinion Of The Following
Eminem::he's ok
Virgins::it's not their time yet?
God::he's doing the best for us ;]
The Osbournes::funny and stuff?
Reality TV::too many of it
J.Lo::she's alright
Religion::everyone has their choice
Emo music::it's alright?
Valentine's Day::DUMBest holiday besides halloween
Christina Aguilera's comeback::?
Homosexuals::it's their life
Abortion::it's the person's decision but I would never do it
Inter-racial relationships::i don't have a problem at all
Death::i guess when it's time, it's time
Obesity::they say there's a lot in America? i don't know
Pre-marital sex::many practice this.. i know i will
Terrorism::bleh not good
Fortune Tellers::fake
Prostitution::get a real job
Country music::it's ok
George W. Bush::it's fine
Britney's boobs::fake
Gas prices in America::rediculous
What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Common Names?...
Ben::my cousin-in-law
Maria::my friend
Jennifer::my sister's best friend
Nicole::girl down the hall
Adam::a guy that's always here
Richard::old guy witha beard
Arnold::nickelodeon? ;]
Melissa::decent name
Harold::harold's woodworking :>
John::many in my family have this name
Joel::nice name
Vanessa::a little on the ditzy side
Kevin::nice guy name
Jake::an ex of mine that i didn't like too much
Sarah::very original
Natalie::my roomieeeeeeee :X
Christy::uh sorta pretty
Nick::a guy i used to like
Jamie::my cousin
Have You Ever....
Mooned anyone::no but that reminds me of mary's wedding :))
Been on a diet::hell no
Been to a foreign country::no
Broken a bone::nope
Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling::i think so..
Swear at a teacher::no
Talked to an gj member via emails or instant messages::no since i don't have one
Got in a fight::who hasn't!
Dated a teacher::hell no
Laughed so hard you peed your pants::yep :))
Thought about killing your enemy::hmm who's my enemy
Gone skinny dipping::nope
Met another gj member in the flesh::no
Told a little white lie::who hasn't
Told a secret you swore not to tell::hah yep.. i AM female
Stolen anything::no
Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid::no?
Been on TV::no
Been on the radio::nope
Been in a mosh pit::almost
Been to a concert::yep
Dated one of your best friends::no
Loved someone so much it makes you cry::yeah.. =
Deceived somebody close to you::no
Broken the law::well, I drink under-age
Been to a rodeo::no
Been on a talk show::nope
Been on a game show::no
Been on an airplane::ya
Got to ride on a firetruck::i think so.. when i was little
Came close to dying::no
Cheated on a bf/gf::no
Gave someone a piggy back ride::yeah who hasn't
Terrorized a babysitter::no
Made a mud pie::no
Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff::long time ago
Snuck out of the house at night::no
Been so drunk you don't remember your name::no
Had an eating disorder::no, food is my friend haw haw haw
Felt like you didn't belong::yep
Felt like the 3rd wheel::yeah
Done drugs::no
Been arrested::no
Had your tonsils removed::nope
Gone to camp::yep
Won a bet::yeah
Written a love letter::ya
Gone out of your way to be with the one you love::yep, always seem to do so
Written a love poem::no i can't write poems
Kissed in the rain::probably?
Slow danced with someone you love::no..
Participated in an orgy::no
Faked an orgasm::umm yes? :)))))
Stolen a kiss::stolen? wtf
Asked a friend for relationship advice::yeah
Had a friend steal your bf/gf::no
Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love::no.. well maybe
Gotten a speeding ticket::nope
Done jail time::no
Had to wear a uniform to work::i always do
Won a trophy::yep, quite a few
Thrown up in public::once in school, that shit was gross
Bowled a perfect game::hell no
Failed/got held back::no
Got perfect attendance in grade school::yeah
Roasted pumpkin seeds::no
Taken ballet/karate lessons::nope
Attempted suicide::no
Cut yourself::no
Childhood Stuff
Did you play with Barbies/G.I. Joes::you bet
Did you own Treasure Trolls::haha yeah
Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210::yep, with my mom
Did you play Simon Says::hah yeeeeep
Did you watch Fraggle Rock::uh huh
Did you wet the bed::yeah "pee pants" :))
Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed::no
Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them::no
Were you shy::still am
Were you spoiled::at times
Were you abused::no
Did you go to the circus::no
Did you go to the zoo::every once in a while
Were you in a car accident::only one
Did you build snowmen::yep, with my sisssy
Did you cry when you scraped your knee::probably
Were your older cousins mean to you::yeah, still are
Did you think slinkies were cool::ya
Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer::yep
Were you afraid of the dark::yeah, what kid wasn't
Did you have slumber parties::ya
Did you have New Kids on the Block sheets, pillows, pajamas, sleeping bag?:no but i did love them. i slept with the freakin tape :))
Did you tease your hair out like Tiffany::no
Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy::yes
Do you believe in aliens::Hell no
Name three things that are next to your computer::mirror, juice, picture
Do you have any hidden talents::they're still hidden
Do you wish MTV would play music videos::yeah, it'd be smart
If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be::comedy
What would your movie star name be::amy?
Do you play any sports::ya
What's the scariest movie you've ever seen::none have been THAT scary
What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently::uhh Ever After
What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen::hmm not sure
Do you drive::yeah
What is your dream car::eclipse
Do you think your good looking::hah i wish
Do others think you are good looking::ya
Would you ever sky dive::hell yeah!
Do you believe in Bigfoot::no
How many rooms do you have in your house::hmm 10?
Are you afraid of roller coasters::hell no
Do you believe in God::yeah
Do you believe in Satan::no
Do you believe there is a heaven::yeah
Do you believe there is a hell::yeah
Do you own a pooltable::no
Do you have a pool::no
Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen::yeah
Do you like chocolate::yea
Who/what is on your 2003 calendar::don't have one
How many U.S. states have you been to::hmm pretty close to all
Ever wished on a shooting star::no
Best Halloween costume you ever wore::hershey bar :">
Do you carry any weapons on you::no
What is your weakness::hmm school?
Name something you can't get enough of::food
Describe yourself in 3 adjectives::small, funny, nice
How many kids do you want to have::2
Future daughters names::i want boysssss
Future sons names::Kyle, Jason, Josh
What is your ideal way to die::in my sleep, of old age
How do you release stress::sleep, listen to music
Do you consider yourself a trendy person::sure
Are you an artisitic person::no
Are you a realistic person?::yeah
Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off::no i'm lazy :">
Are you a strong person::yeah
Are you a strong willed person::yeah
Who is the last person to e-mail you::who knows. i hate email
Who is the last person to IM you::that crazy fuck
Do you hate chain e-mails::YES
Are you a deep sleeper::yep
Are you a good story teller::most of the time
What do you believe is your best quality::my legs?
What is your greatest accomplishment::getting accepted into college
Do you like to burn candles or incense::candles
Do you have your own credit card::no
Let's say you win the lotto. What do you do with all that money?::a nice ass car
Do you have a check book::yep
Do you like your drivers licence::not the picture
Do you tan easily::yep. speaking of, i need to
What color is your hair naturally::brown
How many fillings do you have::uhh i have no idea.. not very many
How many cavities did you have at your last dentist visit::none
Worst feeling in the world?:loneliness
Best feeling in the world::being in love, happy as ever
Is the glass half empty or half full::half full
Last thing you downloaded::xmas music for nat
Do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life?::no
What do you think people think of you::i'm nice, friendly, funny, caring
Are you a likeable person::yep
Do you need therapy::no
Do you take medication for a chemical imbalance::yep
Do you love your bf/gf::n/a
If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge would they call it FED UP::oldddd
When are you moving::when the time is right?
What's your favorite phrase::he's a few crayons short of a box

Long Survey brought to you by BZOINK!

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