MORE pills. 5:56 p.m. 08.12.03

i feel. pretty good.

i hear. Counting Crows - uh some song they're playing on the radio.

i quote. my mom - "You've sure been through a lot in your young life."

I had the colonoscopy today. Yesterday was quite painful.. not being able to eat. Especially when my sister is all "I'm hungryyy." Hm, then eat while you can =. You don't understand how LOVELY food is until they really take it away from you. So my mom got me up this morning at about sunrise, which sucked. We got to the hospital at like 7:25, like they told us to. And a while later, some lady says that the thing wasn't scheduled til 9, we thought it was 8. Wah did that make me mad. So I sat there BORED out of my mind for like an hour, when I could have been sleeping. Honestly, they seem to always do that shit to me. So finally I got in there and they did the procedure.. I watched ;). What they did was stick this camera-like thing all through my colon and through part of my small intestine. Sounds like fun, eh? It's a pretty weird feeling, but it's not painful thank goodness. So anyways. At the deeper part of my colon, it looked a bit inflammed so Dr. Kahn is thinking I may have Crohn's Disease. I dunno, it's weird cause I could have that, UC and the primary sclerosing cholangitis.. we don't know just yet. So he put me on ANOTHER medicine, woohoo! This time it's called Pentasa.. 500 mg FOUR times a day. He also changed my prednisone from 30 mg to 50 mg. Let me tell you, I am on SO many "drugs" right now, it's nuts. Mom and I even went to Walgreens today to get this pill thing, to keep all the pills in there for each day. And hm, we didn't get a big enough one =. Mostly because of the new pill.. HORSE pill, have to take EIGHT of those everyday so woo. I think we're gonna get this bigger one.

We also went to Linens N Things and Bed Bath and Beyond today. Yep, still shopping for college. All I really need to get now is a cordless phone with an answering machine, a robe, and a microwave.. I think that's all.

So I was SO looking forward to going to Godfather's today. I was gonna go there for lunch with my mom today, but when I got home from the hospital I kinda threw-up so that didn't happen. I just had soup :">. So I told her we're going there for dinner. But now my dad is saying I need to take it easy on my food for a couple of days.. cause yea, I may get sick again. Which is a good idea, it just sounded so flipping good :x.

Ah well I better go take some more pills, and have my mom make dinner.. I'm hungry ;).


Then || Now