Stood-up and Overtime. 11:32 a.m. 08.10.03

i feel. happy.

i hear. Seether - Always.

Ah, here we are again.

So on Friday, I went to lunch/dinner with Steve. Hm, that was pretty stupid. He hardly said ANYTHING, and when I was done eating.. he's like "well, i'm gonna go beat some traffic" or some shit and left. So woohoo, that was pretty weak of him. I would have rather ate alone thanks :). OH but he said to call him the next day? Hell no i'm not going to do that. Anyways. So I called Bob(Robert).. to see if he wanted to go out and do something. He wasn't doing anything that night, so we went to go play pool. I really suck at playing pool, I think I'll stick to bowling ;)? But eh, he was being a bit shy that night and it wasn't THAT fun. And before I left, Adam asked me to go to a movie but I said no cause I was going out with Bob. But then I wasn't having that much fun, so Adam called and I told him that I'd meet him at the theater. And hm, big mistake =. He couldn't even WAIT for me, the little bastard. Eh screw him. I bet this is so flipping confusing, with all the different names. But eh, I don't think anyone really reads this thing anyway. So like it matters. Perhaps I could update the cast page, whichever.

So yesterday, I just worked all day. I worked about 10 and a half hours thank you. It was only Brian and I in the soft serve section. Well, there was also Nick there.. but he wasn't doing jackshit. He kept complaining that he was sick. I'm like, if you're really that sick, then WHY in god's name are you here? If he told a manager he was sick, they would have let him go home. Or hm, you could have called in sick? But no, instead he went to me and kept asking if I'd stay late for him. I'm like, "uh no.. I'm not going to work a 12-hour shift." So he must have gone home finally, cause Brian and I never saw him after that. I was also working with Gary and Joe a lot, which was pretty nice :">. SO yea, it was fun at work yesterday. Oh but I always have fun at work :). I'm gonna miss those people when I'm gone :x.

Speaking of, I called my roommate the other day. Well, I called them both but one of them wasn't home. I talked to Natalie, she seems really nice so i'm happy about that one :). I should try calling Maggie later today or something? Who knows but I need to.

Well, I've got to go shower and such. The fam and I are going over to the Strom's (my cousin's grandparents) house today. So that should be fun?


Then || Now