Registration is Done. 11:32 a.m. 06.22.03

wow I suppose I better update.. a lot has been happening lately :).

First of all, I went down to my college on Thursday and was there on Friday, as well. So Thursday I took 2 placement tests.. a math and an english. The math was too easy since I only took the intermediate algebra test, but hey oh well? Hmm also on that day, we had this group advisory thing.. which I probably like one of the best. I went into this physics group and got this sheet where it said the classes that I would need to take for the next 4 years which was pretty interesting. But I don't really know WHAT I want to be and such, but I think I know I want to be something in the math department. SO then I went to go talk to the math/stats chairperson and WOW, my mom, me and him talked probably for like an hour. That guy was like.. REALLY interesting though. So anyways, after that I was DAMN tired so we went to the hotel and I went to sleep :). On Friday, I had to get up sorta early cause I had registration in the morning (signing up for classes). So I went to that and it was also pretty interesting. I was signing up with the math/stats chairperson again which was nice since I already kinda knew him. So I did that, but I couldn't get into this spanish class which kinda made me a little angry. But he said to email the professor and ask if there's a waiting list of some sort. But I even checked a little bit ago.. there's only like 3 flipping classes for that specific class which is pretty dumb. so anyways, we couldn't find that professor's email address so I had to email the foreign language chairperson. SO I did that just yesterday and the email wouldn't go through which also made me a bit angry. but Anderson(math/stats chair) told me to email him if I had any problems. So I told him that it wouldn't work and so he emailed her cause I guess he found it somewhere so I suppose I might be set to go. I just hope I get in that 2:00 class. We shall cross our fingers?


if feels sorta weird saying professor.. I'm not too used to that yet. i'm more used to the mr. mrs. heh. Hm so later on friday, I got my laptop. I sat next to this funny guy. Hahah I couldn't believe he totally took it out of the box and THEN the guy says "Do not take your computer out yet." Yea, we just wanted to see our laptops :">. woo it's so cool though #(*$#)(* my OWN computer how flipping nice :x.

Hm so yesterday was my big open house for graduation. It was a pretty nice party. I was glad to see Shannon and Kelly there :x. I should have called Allison, but eh what can you do. So quite a bit of my extended family came, which was nice. I saw my great aunt Nancy, or as I like to call her "my favorite lady" YES i call her that right when I see her :x. Honestly, she is like THE best person in the world. I LOVE YOU NANCY :x:x hahah when she was leaving, I made my sister take a picture of her and me. SHe's going to the hospital on Tuesday, so gooood luck to her :x Get that woman HEALTHY)(%*#(*$# and KEEP her that way. So I got an MP3 player from my parents yesterday, which was nice of them :). But i was foolin with it yesterday, and yea I don't know how to get songs that I want. But i shall figure it out somehow ;). So I think I got a total of about $965 or so. I don't remember the EXACT but it was in the 900s :).

Alright, this is enough typing for now.

oh RIGHT. I got a new email address so EMAIL ME people, EMAIL ME. Even if it just says "hi!" I won't care.. bahahah.

so email me, whenever I get the address changed at the link :).


Then || Now