Retreat. 6:49 p.m. 05.22.03

Hm so we had the SENIOR RETREAT today. It was pretty interesting. We had this speaker, so of course he's going to SPEAK a lot. The first part, he was fucking funny. Everything he said, I remembered doing when I was little. Like the raising your hand, and having to hold it with your other arm cause it got tired. Or the writing notes to your friends and folding them into the "pull" arrow thing. Ahh good times. The second part of it, wasn't so great.. cause we had to get into groups n such. And of course everyone's gonna group with their friends. But it was alright cause I love my friends :x:x. The last part was this camp fire sorta deal. which was pretty much just the "popular kids" saying thank you. Or should I say omigod thank you for letting me be KNOWN all these years. Heh heh. But I don't really care, cause I like my life :)!

Today and this essay I just wrote for english, has made me sorta realize that I AM a good person. I could be good, or even GREAT in school.. if I really wanted to be. But frankly, I don't really care this year. Cause.. it's my last year of high school )#$(#*$(#)*. So if I'm doing eh at school and got into school, just THINK how great I'd be when I try :)! But ya know, I haven't really well EVER tried at school. It's probably just me being lazy, but that's pretty much the norm of this society :). But next year, I am going to study my ass off WOO HOO. Sounds like some fucking fun ;). But honestly, I WILL. I will prove to myself [as well as my mother] that I can succeed!

So I was supposed to have a game at 5:30, but it has been raining all day. so it was cancelled, as well as Monday's game. But Wednesday's game -last night- we WON. It's about fucking time :)). But uh I think the final score was around 9-5 so wooo. I hit a couple good ones thank you :). My last at bat was DIFFERENT. First of all, there was little Jacob say "gew amyyyyyy!" That boy is so cute :x I'd say he's like 3 years old so shh IT WAS CUTE. Second of all, I had April on first and her also saying "Come on Amyyyy" while doing her little ass-dance :)). So I'm up there smiling at Jacob's cuteness and April's.. oddness [?] Hahah I love you April :D... :x. As well as the rest of my softball team.. muah! :">

Anyhow, my sister shall be home soon so wooooo cause there isn't much to do here without her ;). And fucking WOOT we're having home-made tacos tonight (#$#()*$#*().


"Don't count crayons, draw pictures." -The Speaker.

13 school days til I graduate!

Then || Now