Talking til 7 am :X 3:35 a.m. 12.15.03

i feel. happy, confused.

i hear. Home Alone Soundtrack.

i quote. "that's cuddle material."

Well, holy fuckin DRAMA.

So, last night we didn't do much besides hangin around and what not. But I did meet this really fuckin nice guy. shiiiiiit was he nice. So yeah, i stayed up til 7 am talking to him. YES, 7 am! I don't think i've ever stayed up that late before. But shit, i wasn't tired at ALL. That mother fucker woke me up. hah just kiddin :X. But shit, i swear I could just keep talking to him for hours and hours about anything and everything. He even gave me his cell number :) and told me to call him after I woke up. Sooo I woke up at like 4 PM hahah. YEAH my nights are turning to day, and my days to sad. But anyways, I probably would have kept sleeping but Ashley and Terry kept pounding on my fuckin door. fuck was that ever annoying =. Buuut it was good they did that I guess cause I kinda forgot that I still needed to get Em's and Nat's presents.. cause we were gonna open them later that night. So yeah.. I did that, came back, went to dinner with my girlies, came back to my room to wrap their presents, and called dear Nick (the guy i met, dunno if I had said his name) :). We talked on the phone for like 40 mins.. ah that was pretty nice. Hm but I talked to him online for a while too cause my phone is still ALL FUCKED UP (#$*#)(*$. so fucking annoying, but he had to go after a while. soo he said he'd call me back AND HE ACTUALLY DID #($*#(. oh my goodness, i was impressed.. needless to say haha.

But on the otherhand, I was talking about DRAMA going around. So scott came over here at like 10 tonight. He was all fine when he got here, but after a while he got all pissed off at all of us and just left. So he left us all being all "WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!" So he went back to his room and emily was talking to him over AIM. And yeah, I don't wanna go into the whole thing but after a while he said he wanted to kill himself. so pretty much all hell broke lose. Phew it was nuts! So security came over and some/one cop(s) came.. it was crazy. But I was just supposed to sit in my room thinking what the HELL is going on. BAH it was bad cause he said something like he blamed me. buuut he told nat to tell me it has nothing to do with me. SO yeah, I'm glad it's not me yanno? so they took him away or what not and yeah, i just hope he's alright =.

Back to happier stuff, I talked to Nick when he called me back for like an hour and a half. heh he's so cute :">.

soooo I have my chem final in like 4 HOURS! If I go to sleep, i think i'll be even more tired tomorrow. So I'm thinking that I may not even go to sleep til after I'm done with my chem final. HAH sleeping during the day, wake up a litle after dinner. how nice is THAT! hah my mother would kill me if she knew this sleeping schedule. ah well, what can ya do ;). well nick said he'd talk to me when he gets home from work so woo hoo :).

Thanks keeeeeny for talking earlier. Sorry I left ya like that how i said brb and didn't really come back. But above will explain why I did that. Again, I'm sorry :X.

Ok I think I'm gonna eat something to keep me awake and watch Home Alone, perhaps!


Then || Now