Work is TIRING. 11:26 p.m. 07.12.03

i feel. tired, once again.

i hear. Smile Empty Soul - Bottom of a bottle.

WOW, I love this song. I kept hearing it on 93x, and got hooked heh. anyways, I'm gonna try and make this not so long cause I'm tired as hell.

Hm so Thursday night, I DID finish my thank you notes. Be PROUD, very PROUD! Alright, so on Friday I watched Gangs of New York, instead of thursday night like I planned to. I would also recommend that movie, it was good :). do do dooo, i keep spacing out.

So I've been talking to Mike a bunch lately, a different one from that one entry. Hah if that even makes sense? But yea, he's a nice guy. I feel bad cause he just broke up with his girlfriennd so :x:x for him. So later on Friday, I went to work woohoo =. It was actually good, because of Patrice. bahahah it's ALWAYS because of her!

And today, I went to the mall with my mother and to the bank. I think I sorta pissed her off when we were in the car, which I felt horrible about #(*#(*$#. But eh I think she got over it :x. Yea so I went shopping cause I need shorts, and no one flipping has them. It pisses me off cause they're starting to bring in all the "back to school" shit. Stupid bastards, it's only JULY... which is MID-summer. Ahh i tell you. So again, i went to work. Bleh, it really tires me out. Even Seid said to me, "Every time I come to work, you're always here. Do you work EVERYday or somethin'?" Heh i was like, "It sure seems like it!" And today, we'd get like a RUSH of people and then it's DEAD, just back and forth. It's annoying as hell =. And of course, it always gets busier than shit when I'm left alone.

So tomorrow, it's the wedding shower. I'm sorta excited [which isn't really me] but I get to see Mary and Ben. I love them bunches :x. So the wedding is in exactly ONE week.. sorta creepy, cause I'M IN IT! heh but I shall survive, and I'm thinking it'll be fun as hell. so wow, this week is gonna be SO busy with all the stuff going on [i.e. shower, rehersal, bachelorette party, dinner]. just WOW at this week, plus I've got freaking work. Ahh how AM I gonna live it? Heh we'll see... :)

I better head off to bed. Night!


Then || Now