Skipping Lab 3:56 a.m. 02.12.04

i feel. getting sleepy.

i hear. Toto - Africa. <3

i quote. "I could tell you anything. Id trust you."

So last night, I stayed up as usual. But I talked to Doug (a co-worker/manager) a lot last night. Lately, he's been having some girlfriend troubles so he's been down a lot lately. I felt kinda bad cause he's a really cool guy. So I talked to him for quite a while.. until he thought I should go to bed =P. Ah well, at least I made him feel better. He said I made him smile so that's always good to hear. I like making people smile, especially when they're down :).

Well today, I was only supposed to have lab. YEAHHH, Amy didn't get up for that. hahah I just figured right after my alarm went off.. each lab is only 10 points so FUCK IT. And so, I fell back asleep. Ahh did I ever though.. didn't get outa bed til almost 4:30? Cept those BITCHES were freaking pounding on the door. It was horrible.. Nat was sleeping too. OH but they not only pounded on the door, they also like to call and have our phone ring every 5 seconds. Ah what a freaking wonderful sound to wake up to huh?! Oh well, I kinda needed to get out of bed or I wouldn't be tired tonight. So Nat and I were thinking cause our door doesn't fully shut anymore. THAT IS WHY.. cause they freakin pound so hard. Stupid bitches.. if it breaks, THEY are paying for it.

So later on, I went to dinner with Natalie and Emily. We actually went to the caf.. I haven't been there for dinner in the L O N G E S T time. But it was good to get back there. And I saw Will leaving.. which was good. (He's in my group for my career/life class) So anyways, he had saw me so we talked a little bit so we could get together and such. So at 8, I met him and Kelly at the library. We had to write a paper that's due tomorrow soo we got that done. It really didn't take too long.. the only part that DID was picking a TOPIC for the paper. Ah well, we figured things out. And then leaving the lib, I walked back with him a bit. Goodness, that boy is freaking niiiiice and not to mention ahem hot? Sorry, but he is. Heh it was funny cause he started to write and he's left handed n so am I, so he though that was interesting /:). And I gave him crap for not coming to class on Tuesday. Better be there tomorrow, that beast. I dunno, I really liked talking to him when we were both walking out and outside. He's funny <33. We were both laughing about how small the dorms are cause he lived in the place I do now, last year. So he's knowing how I feel. Ahh anyways, I wouldn't mind getting to know that boy even more.

And later tonight, I've been doing quite a bit of my math. We have our first test tomorrow. Wish me luck! Well at least we get to use one page of notes and such. If we couldn't, I would do horribly tomorrow. Man, I really hope I do welllll on this.

Talked to Dan too. YOU'RE NOT SO NICE, MISTER. Maybe I'm thinking of a 2 letter word. SO THERE!

Anyways, I need to get some sleep. Especially cause I've got a test. G'night dear ones.


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